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History of the Vital Sign Monitor

Vital signs monitors have become a necessary tool for doctors who need to keep up with patients' ups and downs that can occur due to any number of measurable ailments. These monitors are invaluable aids that give health care providers immediate readings regarding a patient's status. This almost instantaneous information helps define the treatment a patient might need at any given time.

Vital signs conducted manually come with a warning: Absolute accuracy is a must. Manually taking vital signs, either by a health practitioner or by the patient, allows no room for error. Accidental or erroneous readings can produce results that may force ill-advised treatment decisions. Vital signs monitors eliminate false readings, thus keeping patients and physicians always on top of individual situations.

The earliest effort to monitor a specific part of a patient's physiological makeup can be traced back to at least 1874, when Karl von Vierordt tried to measure blood saturation in the human hand. Things progressed from there until 1918, when a Copenhagen doctor developed quantitative oximetry. That effort to ascertain oxygen saturation in the blood was improved in 1935, when the first oxygen saturation meter that used red and green filters was introduced.

Since those early days of technological efforts, science and innovation have created a multitude of vital signs monitoring devices that include determining body temperatures just by tracing a wand across foreheads. That same research developed handheld and portable monitors that are extremely useful in getting doctors through hospital rounds in an efficient, faster manner. There are also portable defibrillator monitors that tell an emergency medical technician if a patient's heart needs a boost.

Of course, not all vital signs monitors are portable. Tabletop monitors can't be moved around, but they often have more features than portable monitors can handle. These stationary monitors might also be able to network with other medical resources. Specific monitor models can also be wired, or even operate, using wireless signals.

There is one monitor that provides information by telemetry. This device is an essential tool for cardiac units, and most health care facilities that have a need for the cardiac monitor make sure they have a sufficient supply of monitors for backup. That large inventory of monitors or modules are essential and costly. But broken or damaged monitors have no place in such a critical area of health care, because any delay of the proper treatment could have devastating effects.

It boils down to the fact that vital signs monitors are tools the medical community cannot do without. No medical facility in the country can deny that one of their most important pieces of equipment are vital signs monitors of some sort. Acknowledging that fact also leads to the idea of making sure sufficient backup monitors are at hand. We at Vital Signs Monitors For Sale offer many refurbished health care monitors that are guaranteed to work as advertised. They sell for less than new ones. See us at

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